Marissa DuBois in Slow Motion Full Fashion Week 2023, Fashion Channel Vlog,

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sons of Norway

The Sons of Norway Elvedal Lodge December gathering will celebrate a Scandinavian Christmas at Dec. 12 at Hotel Mead. Julefest will begin at 4 p.m. with cocktails followed by a 5 p.m. dinner featuring Torsk (poached cod), roast loin of pork, mashed potatoes, vegetables, tossed salad, cucumber and dill salad, cole slaw, herring, rolls, beverage, lefse and bread pudding with brandy sauce. The program is the Lincoln High School Chamber Orchestra led by Ginger Martin followed by the Santa Lucia processional with Miss Wisconsin Rapids Lindsay Lobner and youth club as attendants. Reservations are necessary. Cost is $22 for non-members, $19 members, and $8.25 for children ages 3 to 11. Call Carol Bender, 424-5074, by Sunday. Vietnam Veterans In December, Vietnam Veterans of America again will collect nonperishable goods such as canned fruits, meats and vegetables. We will also donate $100 to the food pantry. 

You can also drop off items at Don Schillinger's, house, 850 14th St. S., before Thursday. In November, we donated $200 to VA Hospital at King and the PTSD unit at Tomah VA hospital. The color guard will participate in the Nekoosa Christmas parade and Pearl Harbor Day Ceremony on Monday at the VFW in Wisconsin Rapids. The chapter thanked all the veterans for their participation in this year Veterans Day activities. Our next meeting is at 7 p.m. Thursday at The BAR. 

For additional information on the Vietnam Veterans of America, call Gary at 325-6881. Business & Professional Women Wisconsin Rapids Business & Professional Women will meet Thursday at Hotel Mead. The meeting begins promptly at 6 p.m. and ends at or before 8 p.m. December's meeting will feature a holiday gift exchange among members. Fellowship and a great meal will be top priority. The meeting is open to any working woman in the area. Dinner is $12 and non-member attendees need to call Deb at 424-1892 (leave a message) by noon Monday to reserve a place. Items for club news are limited to 150 or fewer words. Source:

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